Saturday, August 21, 2010

Davis County Fair

 So much fun! I love going to the fair. The rides, the food (I love funnel cakes), games, etc... My mother in law and I ran in the 5k with Aren's cousin Darian and Davin ran in the 1k with Sydney, Darian's sister .

            We entered Davin into the baby contest along with my niece Kelci and nephew Kyrin.
Davin won first place in his category. What a cutie!

Later on we met up with some friends who brought their kids Jayden and Maize. Davin is best friends with these two and I love taking pictures of them.

We saw all kinds of animals, watched a dog show, rode kthe ponies, and enjoyed every minute of it. It was a long but very fun day.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Family Camping trip (formerly known as the Ekker camp out )

qxThis is my mother-in-laws side of the family. They don't have normal family reunions where you go to a park and have a bbq. They have a week long party in the mountains. It's at the same place every year, Thousand Lake Mountain, and everyone camps out for a week or so. I love their reunions. There is something always going on. And there are a ton of people to hang out with. There are horses to ride and 4-wheelers or rhinos, horseshoe tournaments, great food, and big fires. This is how family reunions should be.

This picture is nothing compared to what it was really like. There were atleast 10-12 camping trailers and our 2 tents.
I think Aren lost at horseshoes...

So he tried winning a game of bean bag toss.
Davin played too.

He also played horseshoes and was pretty good at it in his own little way. 
and played in the dirt with his cousin Brooklyn.
Finding firewood for the fire.
Syd and Davin playin
Great Granny Ras (Rasmussen). The one who started it all.

From left to right: my mother-in-law, Patsy, Her 2 sisters Sherry and Bonnie, and thier mom, Robyn
Davin loves horses.

We explored the whole mountain on the rhino. 
Sydney and Darian did a lot of the driving.

Davin thought it was fun when we went really fast.

We found a half made tree house. It was pretty cool.

The view was beautiful. My camera didn't capture what my eyes could see.