Happy Halloween! I love Halloween. Partly because that means fall is here and I love all the decorations and corn mazes and dressing up for parties. And to me, it's the kick off to the holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Since I don't dress up anymore, I make it a big deal to dress up my boys. It's just fun and they look so cute. I think I am going to try to do matching costumes with the boys. This year I chose a Fireman costume for Davin since he has been interested in fire trucks lately. So to go along with a fireman I thought it would be cute to dress Landin as a Dalmatian. I went online and searched every store looking for a Dalmatian costume to fit a newborn and had no luck so I thought it would be easy to make the costume. I went to a fabric store and found some material and a pattern for newborn pajamas. It seemed simple enough till I went to start working on it. I haven't sewed anything since Jr. High so Patsy, my mother-in-law, said she would help. She hasn't sewn in about 20 yrs. but we put our heads together and figured out where to start. We got the pattern all cut out and sized to Landin and started sewing away. It was a roller coaster ride trying to get this costume put together. It took all day to sew it and to get it to where it looked right. After it was done we tried it on Landin and showed him to Aren and he says "I thought he was supposed to be a dog, not a cow." Yup, he looked like a cow. The material I had bought looked Dalmatian like but when made into something, it was cow material. I said oh well, he looks cute and we went with it. He sort of looks like a dalmatian if you know what he is really supposed to be.
Anyway, we took Davin trick-or-treating at the South Towne mall
and then around the neighborhood.
When we got home Atessa, Aren's sister and her husband Tyler, His twin Trevor, and Amber, Trevor's girlfriend where at Aren's parents house. Tyler thought it would be funny to shower Davin with all his candy.
Davin thought it was funny so he would gather up all his candy then dump it on himself.
Everyone was trying to eat Davin's candy and Davin was stingy in giving it away. He gave away the smallest pieces he could find. He sat on his candy so no one would take it.
Davin's bucket weighd 6 lbs! I couldn't beleive it. I can't wait till next year when we can take both of the boys out trick-or-treating. We had a lot of fun this year.