Monday, February 9, 2009

Our 1 year Anniversary & Davin updates

Today we celebrated our 1 year anniversary! We enjoyed breakfast in bed and on Wednesday Feb.11 we are going to see the Jazz take on the L.A. Lakers. We are both excited. It has been an exciting journey as a married couple. We can't wait to spend the next 100 years together. Davin will be 8 months old on the 19th. He is about 19.5 pounds and about 28" long. He has taught him self to turn in circles while sitting and reaching for toys that are out of his reach and getting back into the sitting position. Most of the time he ends up in the crawling position so we think he'll be taking off any time now. It seems he would rather walk because he trys to get up from a sitting position and ends up on all fours and then back to the crawling position. It is pretty funny to see. He is still all smiles and giggles and he loves to hear his voice and screams from time to time. He is learning new jibberish also. His new thing to say is baba. All day long we hear babababa, bababababa. We love our Davin.