Friday, December 26, 2008

Thanksgiving & Christmas

Wow time sure does fly when you're having a good time. Davin turned 6 months on Dec 19th. He is such a happy boy and is learning so much. He is sitting up on his own, pushing hisself up from the floor and pushing hisself around in circles, rolling over, eating all varieties of solids and laughing and giggling all day. He is growning so fast. We had Thanksgiving at our house. That was hard work but Dana managed to pull it off. Christmas was fun. We had family over the week before Christmas and had pitures taken and spent Christmas Eve with Dana's family. Christmas day we visited family and friends then spent the remainder of the day with Aren's family. Davin opened all his presents and was more interested in eating the paper than what was inside. Later that night he enjoyed playing with all his new toys while mom and dad sat back and relaxed from the snowy winter drive around town. We love the holidays and are looking forward to the next year when Davin is older and able to do more.

Davin & cousin Amya on Thanksgiving
Smiley babies

Davin 6 months
Family pictureDavin with Grandpa & Grandma Zamani
Merry Christmas
Davin loves his Roxy dog
Christmas day

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