Friday, May 22, 2009

Why do babies grow up so fast?

Why do babies grow up so fast, it is sad and fun at the same time. I love this little boy, he brightens everyday of my life. His little smile is amazing, especially with those 4 pearly whites!
The summer is finally here and we are loving the warm weather. Especially Davin. He loves playing in the dirt and water. He has even crawled through the sprinklers. Aren's mom, Patsy, bought him a swimming pool and he loves it! So before all of this rain started and it was actually starting to get warm, Davin was swimming almost everyday. He LOVES the water. It doesn't matter if its a small blow up pool or a huge pool. He loves splashing around. We can't get him out. He has experimented with the water by putting his face in it and he loves to crawl out and then back in.

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