Monday, March 9, 2009

It's time to baby proof the house!

Our little munchkin is mobile! Davin started crawling on March 6. He has been working on this for about a month and has finally figured it out. He is also cruisin around in his walker. He loves chasing our dog, Roxy and any one who will run from him. He is now into everything. If it's on the floor he'll try to run it over or knock it down. If it is on a table within reach he'll grab it. Davin is also teething. The poor little guy. I can't even imagine how bad it hurts. He'll be 9 months old on the 19th and he is learning so much. He can say da da and has learned to spit along with a few other noises. His favorite toy is his soccer ball...Go figure. He can kick it and almost push it away from him when sitting. We have spring fever so bad. I can't wait till we can slide down the slide and swing on the swings. I can't believe my baby will be a year old in 3 1/2 months. We have a busy summer planned and we are excited to enjoy new things as a family.

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